Saturated In His Love

A 501(c)(3) Charitable Foundation


Saturated In His Love 

Non-Profit Charitable Foundation 501(c)(3) 

EIN # 87-2707417 

Ways to donate 

Food Donations

We need Food Donations for homeless assistance (Non Perishables such as: Flip Top Cans, Granola Bars, Potato Chips, Meat Sticks, Nuts, Dry Soup, Individual Cereal, etc.)

Commercial Equipment Donations

We need donated Commercial equipment for operating a community Food Pantry to feed the Communities in Orange County (Push Carts, Racks to store food).

Clothes / Furniture Donations

Clothes Donations for a “working wardrobe” for women and men looking for work.

Donations needed for children’s clothes, shoes, diapers/wipes and any baby furniture in good condition. Donations such as blankets, hats, coats, gloves, scarves, toiletry items, and shampoos.

Gift Card Donations

Donations of Gift Cards: Restaurants, Grocery Stores, and Gas Cards to assist families in need.

Farm / Garden Equipment

Donations towards Farm tools, equipment, soil, and edible plants for Community Gardens. 

St. Olaf Lutheran Church

12432 9th Street, Garden Grove, CA 92840

Office Hours: Mon-Thurs 9am-4pm

Your donation helps us continue to Spread Goodness 

Let's help each other to help others today 

Please Give what you feel is right from your Heart